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Omnichannel Experiences
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How to master customer journey optimisation for better customer support.

Jeanine Desirée Lund
Content Marketing Manager
optimise customer journeys

A great customer experience is key to winning customer loyalty. Whether they're calling, emailing, or chatting with your support team, customers want smooth transitions and answers that don’t require them to repeat their stories over and over. In fact, 73% of consumers expect a seamless transition between channels.   

That’s where customer journey optimisation comes in. By breaking down silos and connecting every interaction, you can create a frictionless experience that not only resolves issues faster but also builds stronger customer relationships. 

The challenge of disjointed journeys

Imagine navigating a website that’s difficult to use, being transferred multiple times on a customer service call, or receiving irrelevant information during a purchase. These experiences can quickly lead to dissatisfaction and harm your brand’s reputation. Even small delays or unnecessary steps can leave customers feeling frustrated and less likely to return. 

On the flip side, a well-optimised journey ensures customers receive timely and relevant support, no matter where they are in their interaction with your company, building trust and strengthening relationships.



Why customer journey optimisation matters

Optimising the customer journey helps your contact centre by:

  • Keeping everything connected across all channels, whether it’s a phone call, email, or live chat.
  • Make agents’ lives easier by removing the need to juggle different systems, enabling quicker query resolution.
  • Personalising every conversation by giving agents full visibility into the customer’s history.
  • Cutting costs by automating repetitive tasks and streamlining the overall process.

Optimising the journey doesn’t just enhance the customer experience – it boosts operational efficiency. By automating workflows and reducing friction, agents can focus on meaningful interactions, and businesses can streamline processes, leading to reduced costs and improved satisfaction scores.

Key elements of customer journey optimisation

Now, let’s have a look at some of the steps organisations can take to ensure frictionless customer journeys.  

Break down your internal silos
One of the biggest obstacles to optimising customer journeys is internal silos. When systems don’t talk to each other, customers are left waiting as agents scramble for information, leading to frustration on both sides. One effective solution is adopting a unified, cloud-native CX platform that integrates all processes and operations into a single solution. This eliminates fragmented systems, giving your team everything they need in one place. 

Adopt an omnichannel approach
Customers expect to contact you through the channel that’s most convenient for them, whether that’s a quick chat on your website, a call, or even a message on social media. Investing in an omnichannel contact centre solution that connects all touchpoints and channels into one system is essential for achieving seamless customer journeys. True omnichannel integration enables you to deliver consistent support no matter how a customer reaches out. This means your agents can handle every type of interaction from one place, delivering consistent, high-quality service across voice, chat, email, social media, and SMS. 

Embrace personalisation
One-size-fits-all is a thing of the past. Modern customers expect personalised experiences that reflect their preferences and history with your business. By using customer data effectively, businesses can tailor communications, product recommendations, and solutions to meet each customer’s unique needs. This personalisation helps customers feel recognised and valued, turning routine interactions into opportunities to build loyalty. It also boosts sales, in fact, according to McKinsey, 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalised experiences.

Automate to streamline processes
Automating simple, repetitive tasks is key to optimising the customer journey. By using AI-driven tools, businesses can reduce the time it takes to resolve common queries while freeing up agents to focus on more complex, high-value interactions. Automation doesn’t just improve speed; it also ensures consistency and accuracy, making the entire customer journey smoother. 

Unlock the full potential of your customer journeys

Technology is moving fast, and customers’ expectations are changing by the minute. By embracing strategies and solutions that unify all channels, organisations can optimise customer journeys, leading to enhanced CX, increased efficiency, and sustained competitive advantage. 

Puzzel's CX ecosystem is built to help your business manage every step of that journey with ease, from omnichannel integration to AI-driven automation and advanced analytics. We provide the tools needed to ensure that your customers receive exceptional experiences across all touchpoints — every time.

Don't just take our word for it! Book a demo today and experience how our CX ecosystem can unify your operations and elevate your customer journeys. 

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