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Products in focus: Context that matters with the Consumer Knowledgebase.

Jeanine Desirée Lund
Content Marketing Manager

Crafting an experience for users that connects the dots is increasingly challenging as more platforms and more content become a part of the user journey. A proactive customer experience allows customers to move seamlessly along the journey, offering faster support speeds. Less effort on the customers’ side and more automation tools can reduce costs while elevating the customer support experience.  

From reactive to proactive   

With 48% of customers stating better customer service as their reason for switching brands in the past year[1], providing an outstanding customer service experience is no longer a nice-to-have. For brands to build trust and nurture relationships, they need to stay ahead of the curve.   

According to the State of the Connected Customer Report by Salesforce, 73% of customers state that they expect companies to understand their unique needs and expectations. Meanwhile, proactive communication and resolution are reported as two of the top 5 actions to build trust[2]. Customers are identifying their needs, helping businesses set their priorities when it comes to customer service.  

A combination of flexible digital tools, powerful AI capabilities and a focus on proactive support enables companies to serve customers at speed while reducing the amount of effort on their side. Finding the right balance between self-service tools, personalisation and connecting the user journey means strengthening meaningful support interactions. 

Taking the case of an FAQs page as an example, it's worth wondering: how quick and easy is it to locate information in the FAQs section – and how seamless is the next step if their question is not answered? 

A pool of knowledge that works for your customers  

Puzzel’s Consumer Knowledgebase is a flexible tool that simplifies the customer service experience. It consists of a compilation of articles that can be managed through the Admin Portal, creating a rich pool of knowledge. This can then be made public to customers by enabling access through or embedding it to your company’s website or using it with Digital Engagement.   

With great personalisation and self-service capabilities, the Consumer Knowledgebase can present customers with information relevant to them – before they even spend time explaining what they need.  

Context that matters

Puzzel Digital Engagement builds the who and why into the online journey. Embedding the Consumer Knowledgebase into Puzzel Digital Engagement means tailored suggestions that factor in user behaviour. 
When considering the customer’s navigation and their landing page, it contextualises the results and empowers them to find the answers to their questions from a wide knowledge pool with speed and ease.  

Customers have a choice of sorting through tailored content or engaging with Puzzel's Smart Chatbot. If they need to jump into a human interaction to resolve their inquiry, the chatbot helps them do exactly that – so they are never lost in their journey.  

Driving impact that leaves the customer happy  

Self-service tools are on the rise[3]. Understanding their impact means tapping into new and innovative ways to drive customer service.   

With natural language understanding and custom filtering, the Consumer Knowledgebase has powerful capabilities to scour through a wealth of content and produce tailored suggestions. Customers are effectively linked to information relevant to their questions before they engage with support – meaning less time spent on human interactions and speedier resolutions.  

As customers are linked to information relevant to their questions, agent time is not spent on interactions that can be easily accommodated by self-service tools. Article usage metrics provide valuable insights. When linked with Puzzel Survey, the customer can share their thoughts on the experience. This means there’s ample room for companies to build on their self-service efforts – creating better customer service experiences for happier customers! 

Explore how the Consumer Knowledgebase can become a part of your customer service experience – contact us to book a free demo now


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