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Why internal silos are holding back your best customer support.

Jeanine Desirée Lund
Content Marketing Manager
internal silos customer support

Customers expect more than just quick resolutions—they want personalised, consistent experiences, no matter how they reach out. In fact, 76% of customers expect consistent interactions across channels, according to Salesforce. But delivering that level of service can overwhelm even the best teams - especially if you’re working on many different systems and channels that are not fully integrated.  

By unifying your operations and streamlining every interaction, you can ensure your team delivers great service at every step while keeping things efficient and stress-free for both customers and agents. 

The challenge of silos in customer support

Today’s contact centres have a lot to juggle. From managing multiple channels to handling complex customer queries, it’s easy for things to feel chaotic. To keep up, many organisations add new tools to fix specific issues but struggle to seamlessly implement them. In fact, 66% of CX leaders rate their application integrations as average or below. The result can be a tangled web of disconnected solutions that complicates the customer experience.

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How internal silos impact the CX

When systems don’t talk to each other, interactions can become fragmented, and customers — not to mention your agents — end up feeling frustrated. Overall, silos can negatively affect customer support in several ways: 

  • Disconnected interactions across channels 
    A customer might start a conversation on social media, move to email, and eventually call your support team. If those channels aren’t connected, the agent answering the phone won’t have any context from the earlier interactions.  
  • Slower resolution times 
    When agents don’t have easy access to the right information, it slows processes down. They end up switching between systems or waiting for details from other departments. Customers expect quick, efficient service, and any unnecessary delay can negatively affect their experience. 
  • Missed opportunities for personalisation 
    Personalisation is a must in today’s customer support, but it’s tough to achieve if data is scattered across systems. Silos make it harder for agents to access complete customer histories, meaning interactions feel less personal and more generic—something that ultimately affects the customer experience. 

Breaking down silos for a connected customer journey

The solution to these challenges is to break down silos and create a unified customer support ecosystem. Here’s how to get started:

Adopt a unified CX solution
A unified CX platform integrates all interactions—across every channel—into one system. When agents have access to a complete view of the customer journey, they can provide consistent support without the need for customers to repeat themselves. Plus, through integration with your CRM, your agents always have the full picture, and customers get a consistent experience no matter how they reach out.

Enable omnichannel support
The heart of a unified customer journey lies in omnichannel support. With a unified approach, customers can move seamlessly between channels without losing context. Whether customers are chatting with you on social media, calling your support line, or sending an email, your team can handle it all within the same system, leading to increased productivity and faster resolutions. Plus, companies with omnichannel customer engagement strategies see an average of 9.5% yearly increase in annual revenue compared to 3.4% for other non-omnichannel companies, according to Wisernotify.

Combine self-service with human support
Customers today expect self-service options to handle basic queries, but they also want the ability to connect with a human when things get complicated. By using AI-powered automation alongside live agent support, contact centres can guide customers through their journey without hitting dead ends. For instance, an AI chatbot can handle simple queries like checking order status, while more complex issues are smoothly transferred to an agent, with all the relevant context intact.

The benefits of a unified approach

By breaking down silos and unifying your support operations, you’ll not only improve the customer experience but also drive long-term benefits for your organisation: 

  • Higher customer satisfaction: A seamless, personalised experience leads to more satisfied and loyal customers. 
  • Faster issue resolution: With access to all the information they need, agents can resolve issues faster and more effectively. 
  • Increased agent efficiency: Agents spend less time switching between systems and more time delivering great service. 
  • Reduced agent burnout: By streamlining processes and removing unnecessary hurdles, your team can focus on meaningful work without feeling overwhelmed. 

Internal silos are one of the biggest obstacles to delivering exceptional customer journeys. To provide the level of service customers expect, contact centres must unify their systems, processes, and teams. By eliminating silos, you can create a connected, efficient support operation—resulting in happier customers, more engaged agents, and long-term success. 

Are silos keeping your team from delivering the best customer journeys? It’s time to break them down and build a unified support system that works for everyone. Book a demo today to experience how Puzzel’s CX ecosystem can help you achieve just that.  

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