To case overview
TV 2 Denmark
Public Sector
TV 2 Denmark Enhances Customer Support with Chatbot and Emailbot Solutions.
Morgan Sandberg
Customer Marketing Director

As one of Denmark’s leading public service TV stations, TV 2 provides news, sports, weather, and entertainment. With seven TV channels and a robust digital presence, TV 2 caters to a diverse audience across various platforms.

Background: Meeting a growing demand

With over 1,300 employees and more than a million users on TV 2 Play, the organisation wanted to ensure efficient support for every customer. Recognising the need to enhance their self-service capabilities, TV 2 sought to improve their customer experience by ensuring that support was fast, reliable, and available around the clock. 

Solution: Implementing self-service solutions

To achieve this, TV 2 integrated the SupWiz Chatbot (later acquired by Puzzel) into their support operations. This initiative aimed to streamline customer interactions and provide instant assistance for common queries. Later on, TV 2 observed that many of their users preferred using email for more detailed queries. As a response, TV 2 introduced TV Torben, an Emailbot designed to handle complex, text-heavy questions efficiently. 

Results: Transforming the customer experience

The deployment of TV Tove (the chatbot) and TV Torben (the emailbot) has significantly transformed TV 2’s customer support. The combination of these technologies has boosted self-service rates and enhanced the overall user experience. TV Torben manages more detailed and text-intensive email queries, while TV Tove efficiently handles shorter, straightforward questions. This dual-bot approach has created a balanced and effective support system that caters to the diverse needs of TV 2’s users. Pernille Sønderlund, former Team Manager at TV 2, concludes: “We are very satisfied with the bots - they make it possible to give our customers fast and consistent responses.”

The only way to fulfil the demanding requests from our customers is by using a chatbot from SupWiz (Puzzel). Not only does the chatbot from SupWiz solve customer queries fast it also does it with seamless integration with our backend
Former Head of Customer Operations at TV2

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