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Modernising citizen services for Local Governments.

Build stronger communities with powerful solutions. Our CX platform has the tools, channels and functionalities you need to meet the evolving needs of your citizens, efficiently and effectively.

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Trusted by Europe's customer experience leaders.

Empower your community with next-generation technology.

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful public service. The Puzzel CX Platform helps you address current challenges and empowers your organisation to deliver reliable service, faster, across all channels.

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  • Automate routine tasks and prioritise complex ones
    Let automation and self-service handle common queries like road maintenance, election information, or health services, and free up agent time to focus on complex tasks where human support is needed most. 

  • Enhance website experiences and reduce call volumes
    Supply citizens with the tools they need to easily apply, register or book through your website, and if they get stuck, offer proactive help with co-browsing, live share or video, assisting them with more complex tasks. 

  • Let citizens reach you, their way 
    Allow citizens to interact with your organisation through their preferred channels - whether it's phone, web, email, chat, or social media – and easily transfer interactions across channels, without losing context.  

  • Connect citizens directly to the right agent 
    Ensure your citizens are forwarded to the right agent with the right skills using skill-based routing or IVR, providing effective solutions and support tailored to every interaction. 

  • Empower your agents with easy-to-use solutions
    Give your agents the tools they need to feel empowered. Ensure your support team have full query context and customer details at hand, enabling them to deliver even better customer support, faster.

The CX platform that is built for today's citizens.

We continuously develop our CX platform drawing from the experience of hundreds of businesses like yours, making sure you’re always a step ahead. Our CX platform lets you deliver fast, personalised service to build long-lasting relationships and support your citizens when they need it most. 

Local government customer service

Tackling high demand with
efficient self-service.

Give your community easy access to services, when they need it. Use self-service such as FAQs, knowledge base articles and chatbots to help citizens find the answers they need without long waiting queues. And by letting self-service handle routine queries, your agents can focus more on complex tasks where human support is needed most. 

local government customer support

Connect with your citizens, their way.

Local government agencies serve a diverse community with varying needs. Make it easier for citizens to connect with you on their terms by offering multiple interaction channels—phone, web, email, chat, or social media. With omnichannel routing, ensure citizens are seamlessly transferred to the right agent in the right channel without losing context. By providing a unified communication system, you can respond to citizen queries quickly and effectively, fostering trust and satisfaction within your community.

contact centre local government

Build trusted communities with proactive updates.

Be the organisation your community can rely on for fast and effective support when the unexpected happens. Our platform lets you proactively engage with your citizens to keep them informed about important information. Send alerts directly to their phones to inform them of health crises, extreme weather or maintenance updates, ensuring transparency and trust.

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Transforming citizen experiences with contact centre technology.

Local government agencies manage a wide range of services and processes. With more than 25 years’ of experience building tailored customer service solutions and helping businesses migrate to the cloud – we are the technology partner you can trust to guide and support you on your digital transformation journey. Our integrated solutions bring everything together, from case management and service requests to data analytics and reporting. By centralising your operations, we help you improve efficiency, reduce redundancies, and make informed decisions based on real-time data.

Fully integrated in your workflow
A platform that scales with you.
Your customers are always changing. We continuously develop our CX platform drawing from the experience of hundreds of businesses like yours, making sure you’re always a step ahead. Our Contact Centre platform lets you add new features or expand your operations as you grow, easily and simply.

Frequently asked questions.

Join Europe's leading Local Government organisations.