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Smarter and faster CX with AI and automation.

Offer instant support and guidance to your agents and customers alike, at all times. Our BOT uses AI to enhance the user experience through chatbot and voicebot applications, increasing agent productivity and ensuring customer queries are solved, faster.

AI chatbot and voicebot

Trusted by Europe's customer experience leaders.

Elevate self-service experiences
with AI

Make self-service work for your customers. Simple, routine questions or transactions are addressed via chatbot or voicebot solutions without any effort from agents. With the power of AI, you can guide your customers efficiently through human-like conversations and offer contextual support. And where self-service just won’t cut it, make sure your customers are connected to an agent – while empowering your agents with the contextual information they need to make the customer feel truly supported by your organisation, every step of the way. 

online conversions

Boost your self-service strategy in less time, with less complexity.

A single interface for all self-service components gives administrators and BOT trainers the tools they need to quickly set up, and easily adjust their strategy as their self-service needs evolve - keeping up with customers as they do. 

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Instant customer support, anytime, anywhere.

Give your customers quick and efficient support, at all times. Use AI-powered chatbot to provide human-like conversations and resolve common queries faster. Guide customers through routine processes such as creating bookings, opening accounts, and checking order status. The result? Improved customer satisfaction and higher self-service resolution rates. 

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Maximise efficiency with smart automation.

Let the chatbot and voicebot take care of routine queries and boost operational efficiency, giving your agents more time to complex tasks. When self-service falls short, simply guide the customer to an agent that has the information they need to provide immediate, personalised support. 

Features of BOT.

AI chatbot


Customer support with AI-powered chatbot.

Provide instant customer support 24/7 with a contextual chatbot.  

  • Instant responses using text, option buttons and images
  • Utilises natural language processing (NLP) and natural language understanding (NLU)
  • Analyses customer intent and sentiment for tailored responses
  • Navigates customers to specific webpages and highlights relevant objects
  • Seamlessly transfers the conversation to a human agent when needed
Access Levels


Elevate the call experience with voicebot.

  • Routes callers to the best queue and agent
  • Offers self-service functionalities like order tracking and appointment scheduling
  • Extracts meaningful intents during phone conversations
  • Contextually transfers to digital channels when speech recognition has limitations 
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Control Centre

A single place for managers and BOT trainers to manage operations.

  • A centralised location for setting up and training the BOT.
  • Configures interaction workflows for chatbot, voicebot and contextual agent transfers
Empower your contact centre with the Puzzel CX Platform.

BOT is part of Puzzel Self-Service Automation, which is integrated in the Puzzel CX Platform. The Puzzel CX Platform combines Contact Centre as a Service with Self-Service Automation capabilities. This helps you consolidate all your contact centre technologies in a single platform, so you can focus on what matters most – providing delightful customer experiences, regardless of channel.

Frequently asked questions.

Yes, I'd like to supercharge my organisation's customer experience with Puzzel.