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Master the digital journey with Intent Engine.

Unlock the potential of personalised engagements for your website visitors. Our Intent Engine tracks and enriches digital journeys, creating meaningful interactions that elevate self-service rates and drive conversions.

Intent engine

Trusted by Europe's customer experience leaders.

Personalise every website journey.

Turn your website visitors into loyal customers. By tracking and analysing customer behaviour, clicks, and website navigation, you can anticipate when customers need help and offer proactive, personalised support. And when self-service falls short, simply connect the visitor to a live agent that’s ready to provide the service they need.

online conversions

Turn clicks into conversions.

Create tailored engagement rules and triggers to help your visitors complete transactions smoothly. By analysing your visitors’ behaviour in real-time, you can interact with them at the right moment and offer proactive and contextual support such as linksintent and increase the chances of conversions. 

website navigation

Tailored support for smooth website navigation.

Upgrade your visitors’ browsing experience. Anticipate and predict customer needs based on click behaviour and provide tailored and proactive support to enhance every website journey. Easily connect visitors with agents equipped with insights on customer sessions and intent, ensuring every interaction is tailored, ultimately enhancing the overall customer experience 

agent productivity

Boost agent productivity with seamless operations.

Empower your agents by allowing routine queries to be resolved automatically. By reducing the load on agents, they can focus more on tasks requiring human support, boosting overall productivity. Contextual transfers from self-service sessions ensure that agents have access to relevant information, enabling them to deliver personalised support seamlessly and efficiently. 

Features of Intent Engine.

Knowledge management


Unlock real-time insights.

Understand your website visitors with real-time tracking.

  • Follows visitor click behaviour in real time

  • Captures browsing information such as navigation, time spent and cart information

Access Levels

Aggregated tracking

Drive decisions with actionable data.

Gain insights into digital customer journeys and performance.

  • Provides insight into digital customer journeys
  • Monitors performance for service processes
  • Tracks performance for sales processes 
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Rule-based engagement

Maximise website impact.

Tailor engagement rules to suit visitor sessions, ensuring smooth transitions between automated and human-assisted channels. 

  • Configures engagement rules based on visitor sessions
  • Enables contextual transfers to automated channels
  • Seamless transition to human-assisted channels 
Cognitive Search

Banner suggestions

Guided navigation for enhanced website journeys.

Engage website visitors with banners tailored to their interests and behaviour.

  • Provide additional information to website visitors
  • Guide visitors with informative banners and pop-ups
  • Offer relevant links to visitors 
partners page

Integrations and use cases

Explore how Intent Engine can boost your CX.

  • Transfer website visitors effortlessly with BOT, web chat, and voice services including click-to-call and callback functionality.
  • Integrate with Case Management for simple ticket creation and updates. 
Empower your contact centre with the Puzzel CX Platform.

Intent Engine is part of Puzzel Self-Service Automation, which is integrated in the Puzzel CX Platform. The Puzzel CX Platform combines Contact Centre as a Service with Self-Service Automation capabilities. This helps you consolidate all your contact centre technologies in a single platform, so you can focus on what matters most – providing delightful customer experiences, regardless of channel.

Frequently asked questions.

Yes, I'd like to supercharge my organisation's customer experience with Puzzel.